NALA Group

Welcome to our group!

Welcome to the website of the von der Wense Natural Language Processing Group (NALA), whose two homes are University of Colorado Boulder, USA, and Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany! We develop computational models for the understanding or generation of natural language. Some of our current areas of interest are:

  • Universal natural language processing and transfer learning
  • Natural language processing for educational applications
  • Computational morphology
  • Low-resource machine translation
  • Language grounding
  • Natural language processing for medical applications

More details can be found here. Also check out the websites of NLP for Indigenous Languages of the Americas (AmericasNLP) and the Second Workshop on Corpus Generation and Corpus Augmentation for Machine Translation (CoCo4MT), which members of NALA are co-organizing, and the website of Pangea Chat, an NSF-funded start-up Katharina is advising.


Sep 20, 2024 1 NALA paper was accepted to EMNLP 2024!
Apr 23, 2024 Papers by NALA members have been accepted to the Fourth Workshop on Trustworthy Natural Language Processing (TrustNLP), the Workshop on Insights from Negative Results in NLP, and the 4th Workshop on NLP for Indigenous Languages of the Americas (AmericasNLP), which will be co-located with NAACL 2024!
Apr 16, 2024 NALA’s team “Meenzer Team” achieved the second place in the AmericasNLP 2024 Shared Task on the Creation of Educational Resources for Indigenous Languages!
Apr 12, 2024 NALA’s submission to the International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM) got accepted as a poster!🥳
Apr 5, 2024 A paper by NALA authors and colleagues got accepted to CogSci 2024!🤩